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Eramus Guest Professor




2023 Prof. Thierry Hoquet (Université Paris Nanterre) – responsabile O. Ombrosi

in Teaching Mobility Erasmus+, presso il Dipartimento di Filosofia:

• (26/10/23) L’immaginario animale

• (27/10/23) La critica dei dualismi


2023 Prof. Jacob Rogosinski (Université de Strasbourg) – responsabile O. Ombrosi

in Teaching Mobility Erasmus+, presso il Dipartimento di Filosofia e di SARAS:

• (08/03/23) Qui accueille qui? L’hospitalité  sans ipseité de J. Derrida

• (09/03/23) J. L. Nancy et impossible impossibilité de la commaunauté

• (10/03/23) Moïse, l’insurgé


2023 Prof. Joseph Cohen (University College Dublin) – responsabile O. Ombrosi

in Teaching Mobility Erasmus+, presso il Dipartimento di Filosofia:

• (21/03/23) Derrida I: From Phaenomenology to “Différance”

• (22/03/23) Derrida II: On the “Différance” of the Political  


2022 Prof. Joseph Cohen (University College Dublin) – responsabile O. Ombrosi

in Teaching Mobility Erasmus+, presso il Dipartimento di Filosofia:

• (10/01/22) “Being, truth, history”

• (11/01/22) “From truth to justice”

• (12/01/22) “On singularity of history”


2022 Prof. James O’Shea (University College Dublin) – responsabile Prof. Sarin Marchetti

in Teaching Mobility Erasmus+, presso il Dipartimento di Filosofia:

• (09/03/22) “Sellars's Synoptic Vision of the Manifest and Scientific Image”

• (11/03/22) “Naturalism from the Moral Point of View”


2019 Prof. J. Cohen (University College Dublin) – responsabile O. Ombrosi

in Teaching Mobility Erasmus+, presso il Dipartimento di Filosofia:

  • (15/05/19) “On the ‘Original ethics’. A Reading of Heidegger’s Letter on Humanism

  • (16/05/19)  “Responsability for Being. Responsability for the Other: Heidegger and Levinas”

  • (17/05/19) “On Sacrifice. Hegel. Heidegger, Levinas“


2017 Prof. J. Rogosinski (Université de Strasbourg),

• (23/05/17) “Les cavaliers de l’Apocalypse: messianisme et terreur”, con la partecipazione del Prof. S. Petrucciani (Dipartimento di Filosofia)

• (24/05/17) D’efficaces et froides machines à tuer

• (25/05/17)  Levinas and the Flesh: from the caress to the wound